Jesus’ earliest followers lived in a world even more divided and polarized than ours. Hard to believe, but true!
They faced tremendous pressure from cultural, religious and political leaders to conform to their world views or to simply be quiet and go away.
Neither of these options would help them accomplish what Jesus had asked them to do - help others know and follow him. They had to find another option, a third way.
They chose the way of Jesus -- no matter their cultural, religious or political background. They chose to live as if God’s kingdom had come to earth, and this way of life drew more and more people into God’s kingdom.
This way is the same way Christ followers are called to live today.
In our polarized and divisive society, we are called to be people of the third way - the way of Jesus.
We will still have opinions and views and perspectives. But our views and opinions don’t have our primary allegiance. Jesus and his kingdom has our primary allegiance.
When the world around us tells us there are only two options, two sides, two choices, we remember we are people of the third way, the way of Jesus.