Here you will find the featured events & announcements from all of our campuses. For weekly & reoccurring events, visit our Event Calendar!
Engage the Bible with a short term small group focused on the parables from Sunday morning teachings.
Join us for Easter at any of our three campuses!
Our monthly Men’s Breakfast is the perfect opportunity to connect with other guys and have an awesome breakfast.
Our monthly Men’s Breakfast is the perfect opportunity to connection with other guys and have an awesome breakfast.
Everyone is invited to come do crafts. Bring your own work in progress, or enter the coloring page competition! All ages welcome. Snacks provided.
Join us for a meal of soup, bread and dessert ($5 suggested donation) followed by a special Lenten devotional shared in the Sanctuary.
Join us over the lunch hour for a meal & a message preparing our hearts for Easter.
All families are invited for a night of pizza, trivia & challenges! Hey Kids, can you Beat the Parents?!
A space for women to meet monthly (first Friday of each month) to connect with God, scripture, and one another no matter their season of life.
Bring your family and eat with us! Everyone is welcome. 🎉
Route 55 is a ministry for anyone age 55 [and better!]. All women are invited to coffee & conversation!
Gathering between services on the Second Sunday of each month.
This is a great activity for families, small groups, and all age levels to serve together.
Join us as high school students from Grundy County share personal stories while reflecting on Jesus' last words at the Grundy County Campus.
All ages welcome! Communion service led by BASIC, our college & young adult ministry.
Join us at Nazareth Lutheran Church for a community-wide & high school student-led service reflecting on Jesus' last words.
Join us for our Easter Service on Saturday night!
Our goal is to share what baptism is all about while giving you an opportunity to ask questions.
Orchard Hill Church is partnering with Habitat for Humanity to build houses, build community, build hope.
Join a group from Orchard Hill-Grundy Campus “Trinity Team" who will complete a mini-triathlon on May 3rd at Wartburg College.
Join us June 8-12, 2025!
June 29 - July 2. Partnering together as the body of Christ to create a shared experience for the kids in our community to encounter Jesus.
**Registration Open** All students currently in grades 9-12 are welcome to join a week-long, high-adventure trip to St. Louis, Missouri.
You're invited to gather with thousands of leaders across North America for The Global Leadership Summit on August 7 & 8, 2025.
Join us August 10-13! A fun place for kids & volunteers to encounter and follow Jesus!
We're shining a light on & joining the good we see people and partners doing in our community! Let us know when you come across a Shine On story or read Shine On stories here. 😃