Current Series

Am I?

January 2025

Even when we know who we want to be and how we want to live, we often struggle to do the things we know will help us and find it easy to do the things that get in our way. In his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Paul says there are two powers at work within each of us. One power enslaves us and produces a life of constant scrambling. The other frees us for a more abundant life. 

In this series, we’ll discover how Jesus answers “Yes” to the deepest questions of our hearts—Am I safe? Am I loved? Am I enough? Am I successful?—so we can rest in His truth rather than scrambling to prove ourselves.

Discussion Guides

Am I Living on Purpose? - Jeff Mickey Am I Safe? - Andrea DeCook Am I Successful? - Ben Fienup Am I Wanted & Loved? - Stef Rohler