
Cedar Falls

Sundays 9:00 & 10:30 AM

Service Times

Sundays 9:00 & 10:30 AM

What to Expect

  • We are Casual!

    Feel free to wear what you are comfortable in. Jeans and t-shirts are just as acceptable as a suit or a dress. Wear what you want; we are interested in welcoming you as you are!

  • We'll help you park!

    Parking lot attendants will assist you in finding a parking space as well as helping the traffic flow. Don't be intimidated by them, rather let them guide you through the process. We also have door-side drop-off areas if you need them.

  • We will greet you!

    The first face you see will be a welcoming one. We have a team of people at each door who will extend the Orchard welcome the moment you arrive.
  • We want to answer your questions!

    Whether you are visiting for the first time or you've been here a few times, we know you'll have questions. Visit us before or after the service at the Welcome Center, located in the Atrium.
  • We enjoy coffee!

    We have Coffee Houses at both ends of the building with hot beverages ready for your enjoyment. While we do accept donations, feel free to enjoy a cup on us when visiting for the first time. It is perfectly acceptable to take it into the worship centers with you during the service, so don't rush, rather enjoy!

  • We love kids!

    We have created a safe environment for your kids. On Sunday mornings, we offer nurseries for infants through age two and programming for children age three through sixth grade.

    We utilize a check-in system to keep your children safe and your information secure. Entrance "1" on the southeast end of the building is the most convenient entrance. At check-in, both children and parents receive security tags with matching numbers. If we need to contact you during the service, your child's security number will show up on the upper right corner of the worship center screen. When the service is over, you can return to your child's classroom and pick them up.

    If you would prefer your child(ren) sit with you during the worship service, that's great! All are welcome in the worship services and your kids are no exception!

  • We are passionate about worship!

    During the service, expect live music and relevant teaching with real-life applications and illustrations. Our goal is to provide you with resources to encourage your spiritual journey.

Kids & Student programming

Kids Ministry

Nursery, Pre-K & Elementary (K-6th) during both Sundays 9:00 & 10:30 AM.

Junior High Ministry

Wednesday at 7:00PM
@ Nazareth Lutheran Church

Programming available during the school year only.

High School Ministry

Wednesday at 7:00PM
@ OHC Community Center

Programming available during the school year only.

College and Young Adult Ministry

Thursday at 8:00PM
@ Orchard Hill Church

Programming available during the school year only.

Ministries meet during the school year with no programming in the summer months.


3900 Orchard Hill Drive, Cedar Falls

Building Info

Orchard Hill has a large building, we want you to feel comfortable while visiting with us. Here is a map of our building!

Not sure which door to enter? Here's what you need to know:

Door 1 - Atrium (SE Corner)

You'll find our Children's Ministry check-in area inside this door. This is also a great door to enter for quick access to the Welcome Center, Coffee House and Community Center.

Door 2 - Main Office & Sanctuary (SW Corner)
If you are joining us for a worship service in the Sanctuary, this is the door you will want to enter. Coffee and Welcome Center are also readily available in the Commons, right outside the Sanctuary.
Door 3 - Coffee House & Community Center (NE Corner)
This door is located right between the Coffee House and the Community Center. There is also a door-side drop off location here if needed.
All other doors... are open and usable
In order to make our building easy to navigate, we have purposely posted location signs throughout the entire building. You are welcome to come and familiarize yourself with our surroundings. Our goal is for you to be comfortable when you are here.

Next steps

Orchard Central is the spot to connect and take next steps with Orchard Hill Church. This site is specifically designed for those who call Orchard Hill home to find information, register for events and join serving teams.

Contact Cedar Falls


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