We love kids!
We have created a safe environment for your kids. On Sunday mornings, Labor Day through Memorial Day, we offer nurseries for infants through age two.
Throghout the school year we provide nursery (0-2), Pre-K, and Orchard Kids programming.
We utilize a check-in system to keep your children safe and your information secure. Check-in is located on the Northeast end of our building in the Lobby. At check-in, both children and parents receive security tags with matching numbers. If we need to contact you during the service, your child's security number will show up on the upper right corner of the worship center screen. When the service is over, you can return to your child's classroom and pick them up.
If you would prefer your child(ren) to sit with you during the worship service, that's great! All are welcome in the worship services and your kids are no exception!